Back on Bute
Still on the topic of COP26, Craigberoch held a very successful event on the afternoon of Saturday 8th November. We were kindly hosted by Federated Hermes in a giant inflatable conference centre which was on the verge of being closed due to the high winds. However, thankfully we were able to continue to run a mini “movie trailer” version of our Decelerator Lab for delegates at COP which they seemed to enjoy greatly. Indeed, some were overheard to say it had been the highlight of their week.
Craigberoch’s main event however, was during the following week when we held our second in person Decelerator Lab of 2021 on the nearby Isle of Bute. Holding any type of gathering which involves time in the outdoors in Scotland, especially in November, is bold to say the least. However, it turned out to be a transformative week for so many of the participants who had signed up. We mixed senior leaders from companies like Deloitte, Accenture and Givaudan, with UN workers and of course our fully funded places that are offered to members of the local Bute community. There were many highlights but I’d single out the traditional Scottish ceilidh where our crowd of almost 30 mingled with another 30 or so from the Bute community. Dancing, improv theatre, art and long walks in beautiful nature are not just about having a good time and relaxing – they’re a chance for us to get out of our comfort zones, out of our heads and learn to think with our entire bodies.
We’re planning a number of similar Decelerator Lab sessions in 2022 as well as a more self-directed “Co-being” weeks on Bute. Check out the schedule on the events page of our website. Also, mark your diaries for RESET22 that will take place online on the afternoon of the 16th of January. Back by popular demand, it’s an opportunity to kick the new year off with a fresh and more balanced approach to your work and life.
Best of the rest……
I spent a few days on the fringes of COP26 and attended a number of events. These included a presentation to the Scottish Net Zero community, a short podcast for Business Fights Poverty which you can listen to here, and an evening event organised by the BMW Foundation, a major supporter of the intrapreneurship movement.
I was invited as a panellist for a virtual event hosted by Dalberg entitled, “Social Impact and Mental Wellbeing: New Models for Achieving Balance while Working with purpose”. I was joined by Vale Jokisch, Executive Director of People & Operations at B Lab; Aaron Pereira, project lead of Wellbeing Project; and Jyothi Vynatheya Oberoi, Associate Partner in the Dalberg Advisor’s Mumbai office and co-lead of Dalberg’s efforts to expand their work in the mental health sector. It was a fast paced event and if interested, you can watch the replay here (with password: $CX$K7L? )
At the end of November I attended the Money and Business Partnerships Congress which was due to take place in Alpbach, Austria but got shifted to Switzerland due to the lockdown there. This is an event conceived by one of our Craigberoch Cast, Peter Koenig, and was conducted in an entirely “open space” format. Such events have no pre-planned agenda and the programme is created instead by the people who turn up. It made for a rich and fascinating event, with the backdrop of wonderful snowy mountain surroundings of Flims in Switzerland.
On the personal front…….
After a gap of almost two years, I was delighted to be able to join the Geneva Gospel Choir and its lead, Maestro Nehemiah Brown for another weekend of fabulous gospel music. Regular readers of The Bullog will recall that I discovered a passion for singing (not to mention clapping, swaying etc) at a rather ripe old age, having only sung in the shower for much of my life – but it’s never too late to start. I was a bit rusty and off key, but gradually warned up. Hoping for several more gospel weekends in the new year.
Lastly, the snow has arrived in the mountains in huge quantities and I’m relishing more long walks with Penny the Dog.
OK, that’s more than enough for now folks. If you enjoy this monthly ramble then do feel free to suggest others sign up here. Until next month,
* The Bullog = Bulloch + Blog
Make sense? Not bulldog, nor is it bulls**t although I’ll let you be the judge of that! It’s a brief synopsis on recent articles, events and opinions from my world and the things that have caught my attention over the past few weeks.